Startseite › Foren › Alternativmedizinische Therapie › Endotoxine
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25. Oktober 2016 um 18:16 Uhr #319489
TeilnehmerHi Leute,
ich finde hier nichts zu dem Thema obwohl es eigentlich das Hauptproblem von euch allen hier ist, die Endotoxine ( (lipopolysaccharide) ) die die Grammnegativen Bakterien produzieren. Diese werden dann mittel Blut über den ganzen Organismus verteilt und stören die Nervendungen, verursachen Entzündungen, zerstören langsam die Organe.Hat sich schon jemand mit dem Thema befasst, vor allem wie man hier gegenwirken kann, also detoxozieren kann ?
Andrej26. Oktober 2016 um 09:39 Uhr #3186057Irene
TeilnehmerHallo Andrej,
Heilpilze helfen gegen die Endotoxine, natürliche Entgiftung und Entschlackung. Sind Bestandteil von Buhner (Infos hier auf der Seite).
26. Oktober 2016 um 15:50 Uhr #3186058Freitag
TeilnehmerHallo Andrej,
das sind die Sachen die man nehmen kann, um die Endodtoxinbelastung bei einem CAP zu reduzieren, sie helfen aber auch so :
Moppers and Detox
If you’ve decided to undertake a CAPi [2] for the treatment of Cpni [3], you’re going to need ‚moppers‘. Moppers are items taken to help clear dead bacteria, toxins, and porphyrins from our bodies. Getting rid of that garbage helps reduce the die-off effects produced by the CAP. But even if you aren’t undertaking a CAP, detoxing can still benefit you. The moppers and other items listed below can help.
*The information below does not include every possible side effect or drug interaction. It is the reader’s responsibility to thoroughly research any item they are considering taking.
The importance of water in detoxing can not be understated. Keeping well hydrated will help flush water-soluble toxins from your system. Eight glasses a day is suggested.
Activated Charcoal
Unlike common charcoal, activated charcoal has lots of internal spaces or “pores“ that are used to trap chemicals and prevent their absorption into the body. Unfortunately, the charcoal has to be ingested 2 hours before or after any food, vitaminsi [4], and medication since it will absorb them just as readily as the toxins. Suggested dose is 2-4-grams, 2-3 times per day. Beware; charcoal can cause constipation.
Chlorella is a type of algae that grows in fresh water. It will bind toxic substances but not food, vitamins, and medication, so it can be taken anytime. Suggested dosage is 1 gram, 3–4 times/day.
Cholestyramine is a generic drug approved to treat high cholesteroli [5]. It also binds fatty endotoxinsi [6] that are excreted in the bile. It comes in powder form and should be mixed with liquids before consuming. Before swallowing the chloestyramine, a piece of cheese or other fatty item should be eaten to stimulate bile production. The mixture will get thick so it should be drunk quickly, as well as taken with plenty of water to avoid constipation. It can absorb medications, so it should be taken 2 hours before or 4 to 6 hours after medication. Suggested dose is 4-8 grams, once or twice daily. (See Louise’s post below for additional information)
Modified Citrus Pectin
Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is a form of pectin that has been altered so that it can be more easily absorbed by the digestive tract. It also binds itself to toxins in the digestive tract, speeding their removal from the body. MCP is available in powder form and capsules. The powder should be mixed in liquid before consuming and the mixture gets thick so it should be drunk quickly. Both the powder and capsules should be taken with a meal and ingested with plenty of water to prevent constipation. MCP may also reduce or prevent absorption of medication, so it should be taken 2 hours before or 4 hours after medication. Suggested dose with powder is 5 grams, 3 times a day. With capsules, it’s 800 milligrams, 3 times a day.
Chitosan is a sugar obtained from the hard exoskeleton of shellfish, including crab, lobster, and shrimp. In the digestive tract it can bind and speed the removal of toxic substances. It should be taken before meals with plenty of fluids to help avoid constipation. Suggested dose is 700-1400 milligrams, twice a day. (See Louise’s post below for additional information)
An added perk…it can kill Candida.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) consists of the ground up, fossilized remains of diatoms. In the digestive tract, it attracts and absorbs fungi, protozoa, viruses, and toxins which are then expelled. DE should be mixed with liquids before consuming and followed by plenty of fluids to avoid constipation. DE may interfere with medications, so it should be taken 2 hours before or after medication. Suggested dose is 1-2 heaping tablespoons a day.
DE also kills Candida.
Ox Bile Extract
Ox Bile Extract is freeze-dried bile derived from a bovine source. Our own bile carries stored fat-soluble toxins away from the liver. Supplementing with the ox bile extract helps increase the flow. It should not interfere with medications but should be taken with meals, Suggested dose is 500 mg, three times a day.
Infrared Sauna
A good steam in the shower or a sweat-inducing work out are ok, but sometimes we need a turn in a sauna to really get those pesky toxins out of our pores. Unlike standard saunas, the infrared saunas penetrate the skin on a deeper level and are suppose to have improved detoxification properties.LG
28. Oktober 2016 um 10:37 Uhr #3186063Andrej
TeilnehmerHallo Freitag,
besten Dank für die Liste, damit kann man schon was anfangen, Chlorella enthält aber extrem viel Eisen was kontraproduktiv sein könnte, habe ich aber eh daheim.
Andrej1. November 2016 um 18:04 Uhr #3186075Slider
ich meine bei Quark & Co. wurde irgendwann letztens erste gesagt, dass das „Ausschwemmen“ von Giften durch Saune/Schwitzen so gar nicht korrekt ist – kann evtl. auch eine andere Sendung gewesen sein. Aber egal, gut tut so etwas dem Kreislauf so oder so.
Zum Entgiften sollte man die einfachsten und günstigsten Sachen nicht außer Acht lassen. Alles was Antioxidantien und viel Vitamine enthält (gerade auch frisches Obst und Früchte) sollte man nutzen. Das macht viel aus. Zusätzlich dann Sachen weglassen, welche den Körper unnötig übersäuern (Süßkram, Wasser etc. mit Kohlensäure) – außerdem am besten tierische Produkte nur in geringem Umfang oder am besten meiden, da diese Dinge Entzündungsreaktionen im Körper eher fördern.
Das wären sehr einfache Basics, die man leicht umsetzen kann und die schon eine Menge bringen.
Alles Gute noch!
1. November 2016 um 18:06 Uhr #3186076Slider
Teilnehmer„…dass das Ausschwemmen von Giften so gar nicht korrekt ist“ – ich wollte sagen, dass lt. entsprechender Aussage durch Schwitzen gar keine Gifte ausgeschwemmt werden können. Schlecht formuliert.
7. November 2016 um 18:39 Uhr #3186080Andrej
Teilnehmerja alles klar, liegst richtig, die Ernährung macht schon viel aus und schwitzen tut man sowieso, war grad bei Krankengymnastik.
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